Thursday, December 29, 2011


I have decided to enter the land of blogging.  I think it will be a fun & creative outlet for me.  I am not a trendy person and kind of pride myself in that.  Things come and go, I wait to see what's going to stick around before I give it a try, haha.  I guess this is also the case for me & blogging.  As I was setting up my blog I read that blogs were established in 1999, wow almost 13 years later and here I am.  I enjoy writing to express myself, it comes much more naturally for me than speaking, some people are great public speakers, I would much rather write.  

A little about myself; I am a mother of 2 young boys and have a loving & devoted husband of 10 years.  I am mostly a stay at home mom taking care of my two sons but do work a few hours a week away from home.  I have changed a lot of diapers and wiped a lot of sticky fingers over this past year, but would not have it any other way!  Our lives changed quite drastically upon the adoption of our oldest son and then just several months later finding out I was pregnant.  We went from married for 8 years with no kids to two baby boys in 15 months time (but that is a story for another day). 

The title of my blog comes from the precious words of my 2 1/2 year old son, "running over blessed".  From the mouth of babes comes honest, pure truth.  We were talking about blessings and being blessed and asked him if he was and he said "yes, running over blessed".  This brought tears to my eyes an answer like that was so simple yet so profound.   For I am "running over blessed", not blessed in wealth, power, fame, beauty or any of the things the world sees as important.  But I am blessed in so many ways, in things that will last beyond all time; I am blessed with family & friends who love me unconditionally, and I have true love, joy & peace in my life.  

My hope and prayer for this blog is that my words will bring encouragement and hope to others.  We all face struggles in this life, many of them unseen to others.  I have not been without struggles but I have chosen to live my life as an overcomer.  I plan to share things from my everyday life (for life with a 1 year old son, 2 1/2 year old son and a husband who is a firefighter/paramedic, is far from dull).   I also plan to share deeper things that I am learning as I live this life as an overcomer.  

Two things I think we all need in this life a sense of humor & a positive attitude! 
Laugh of the day:  You know you have too many battery operated toys when your older son says of his younger brother "he's not working, he needs new batteries" (true story)
Positive proverb of the day:  "The cheerful heart has a continual feast" (Proverbs 15:13a)     

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