Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Freezer pops, blue plastic baby pools and the Beach

Just a few weeks ago I was talking with several girlfriends and we were dreaming of cruises on the Carribean and frozen drinks.  Maybe someday we will get to take that vacation together.  But right now we are all in the midst of babies and toddlers and the Carribean sounds pretty far off.

Over the holiday weekend and our heat wave, I decided to break out the kiddy pool for my boys.  I filled it with water when they were napping and put them in their swimsuits as soon as they woke up.  We headed outside to eat our treat of freezer pops and splash in the baby pool.  They had so much fun and were so excited to play in their little tiny blue plastic pool.  As they climbed in and out and chased each other around, I decided that right now freezer pops and the baby pool beat the Carribean and frozen drinks any day!

And then we took a two day trip to the beach....
Wow, did the boys have a crazy fun time.  I mean when else do they get to play in a giant sandbox, chase waves, skip nap time, eat fries and ice-cream, swim in a pool, go to the boardwalk, ride in an elevator and all sleep in the same room.  Yes, they thought it was wild, crazy fun.  Mommy and daddy thought it was exhausting but were glad to make the memories with them.

The beach and two toddlers is challenging.  There was the issue of dragging everything out to the beach, we are talking, umbrella, two beach chairs, towels, sand toys, cooler, beach bag and don't forget the toddlers themselves.  We had a four block walk from the hotel...but we were smarter than that.  Daddy dropped mommy and the boys off and I took them and a few bags and daddy got to park the car and walk the four blocks.  Then their was trying to keep our 18 month old from his kamikaze runs into the ocean.  He even got washed under but just kept going back for more, he has no fear.  Then their was trying to eat lunch on the beach. This seems like an easy task but with toddlers you are bound to end up crunching on sand.  Then making sure everyone is properly sun tan lotioned (I forgot my own back both days).  They did sit and play for periods of time in the sand, which was nice (I think I got to sit for a total of 15 minutes).  Which leads me to the question, why did we even bother with chairs?

I have come to realize that as a parent life is no longer about yourself.  You do things that really are no "vacation or picnic" for yourself...but you do them for the pure joy it brings your children.  I think every loving parent goes to great extremes to bring laughter and joy into their children's lives.  Have you ever thought about how we are always tickling and playing peek-a-boo with babies simply to make them smile or get a giggle out of them.  This is what true love is making sacrifices of ourselves to give to others.  And not only did this beach trip bring great joy to my children it brought great joy to me as a mother.  This is how I want to live my life not just to my children but to all those around me in love and service to others.   Think about this; Is there any greater thing, than to give of yourself in love?

"You, my brothers, were called to be free.  But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature, rather, serve one another in love."  Galations 5:13

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