Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Sweet Grace of a 3 Year-old

Ok, so I know it's been almost a month since I wrote a post.  What can I say, summertime is a busy time of year and it finds me outdoors away from the computer a lot.  This I am not sad about as sometimes I fear the internet is a time sucker and as you all know time is the greatest gift. 

But an incident that happened today between me and my 3 year-old begs to be written about.  My children continue to test and teach me everyday!

It was 10a.m. and we were trying to get out the door to run a few errands.  They were playing outside for a few minutes while I quickly hung a load of laundry on the wash line before we left.  As I was shooing them towards the car my 3 year-old son announced that he was hungry for breakfast.  I was quite irritated because like 3 year-olds can often be, he had been stubborn at 8a.m. when we all sat up to eat breakfast and refused to sit up and eat.  But I felt guilty because I had not pushed the issue too much this particular morning and had not made him sit and eat.  So, due to my lack of follow through earlier I knew he indeed was probably hungry and marched them back into the house so he could eat some cereal.  This did not make my 18 month-old son happy because he was ready to "go bye-bye" as he says and he had indeed ate breakfast this morning at the appropriate time.  So as I was trying to quiet the fussing of one and watch the other ever so slowly and non-challantly eat his cereal, I off-handedly made the comment that "I am losing my patience".

Several minutes later my 3 year-old son said "Mommy, you lost your patience, but you will find more".  This stopped me cold in my tracks and I turned slowly to him and looked at his earnest and sincere face.  I knew it was time to apoligize, I said "I'm sorry, you are right I did lose my patience and you are right I always do find more".  He then went on to say "I like you and I love you mommy, give me a hug".  So I went over to him and he sweetly wrapped his little arms around my neck and hugged me tight. 

Wow, what a humbling moment.  To be extended grace ever so sweetly by my 3 year-old when I was the one clearly in the wrong.  He simply pointed out what I had done, reminded me I could do better, forgave me and told me he likes and loves me.  He did not pout, complain, get angry and hold a grudge the way I sometimes do when someone is in the wrong against me.

The lessons we can learn from the pure hearts of children are ASTOUNDING. 

"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins" 1 Peter 4:8

Ironincally, I had just read and copied this verse down yesterday.  He showed it to me in life and breath.  No wonder Jesus said we should come to him as little children. 

"And he said: 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.'"  Matthew 18:3

Grace given to me sweetly today by my son.  Grace given to me daily by my heavenly father.  I do not deserve but they give.  May I give the same to others undeserving in love.

1 comment:

  1. Your boys are too precious. That made me cry! Adorable!
