Sunday, February 12, 2012

Powdered Sugar Snow

I am not a huge fan of wintertime.  I much prefer the warmer temps and sunnier days.  Medic hubby on the other hand loves winter and all that comes with it.  I do however, on occasion enjoy the beauty of a fresh snow.  This past week we have had several "powdered sugar" snows.  These are my favorite, not too much, doesn't make the roads messy and generally melts till the afternoon.  

I forgot the excitement that snow brings out in children.  The other evening it started to snow and while we were eating dinner my oldest son asked if he could go out and play in it.  There was only a 1/2 inch of snow and not much light in the day left but I agreed thinking it would probably be gone till morning.  We bundled both boys up.  This took a good 15 minutes with both medic hubby and I on the job.  Getting two toddlers in to snow pants, scarfs, hats, gloves, jackets and boots is a lot of work.  But it was worth it as they both ran squealing out in to the snow.  They frolicked and romped around in the snow like puppy dogs that had been penned up all day.  

As I ran after my littlest one trying to keep him from nose diving into the snow.  I noticed the beauty of the evening.  It was a gorgeous evening, it was just starting to turn dusk, huge snowflakes were falling from the heavens, it was not windy or too cold and a powdered sugar snow covered the ground.  There is a certain beauty to a fresh snow.  It covers up all the brown of winter and sparkles and gleams with brilliance when the morning sun hits it.  I guess if I had to pick between the brownness of winter and the whiteness of snow, I would pick the snow.

The thing is I don't like a lot of the aspects that come with snow.  I mean when you were a kid it was great!  You got to sleep in, stay home from school, play in the snow and drink hot cocoa.  But as an adult snow means waking up earlier, shoveling driveways and driving on icy roads.  I guess nothing worth having ever comes easy!  There is something about having children that brings a fresh perspective to life that seems to have gotten lost somewhere between becoming responsible adults and the daily grind of a career.  Maybe it is the ability to see life through child's eyes again.  To not think about all the work the snow creates but to think about the fun you are going to have playing in the snow and the hot cocoa to follow!  

I think the trick is not taking ourselves too seriously.  Children are always quick to laugh, goof off and act silly.  Maybe this is a lesson we could learn from them.  Don't get me wrong being a responsible adult is important, I mean we have to care for these bundles of joy.  But it is important to be able to take a child's perspective and be able to see the fun and joy in everyday life!

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