Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Unexpected Surprises

Baby boy #2 entered our lives at a very unexpected time.  I shared a little about our infertility struggles and our adoption story.  Now I will share about one of the most unexpected, pleasant surprises of my life.  We had just celebrated baby boy #1's first birthday.  It had been a joyful 6 months since we had brought him home to be part of our family.  Not without it's challenges.  The few weeks before we had left for Taiwan I was on this crazy kick that I wanted to start the adoption process again as soon as we got home.  After returning home with our baby boy, reality set in and I realized how much work a baby was.  We then both agreed that we would wait until he was 3 or 4 before we adopted again.  Because, why in the world would I want two kids in diapers, that's just crazy!

We were not actively trying to conceive, I was not even keeping track of my cycles.  I remember things were so crazy and finally one day I kept looking at the calendar thinking I should have got my period by now.   I remember pacing that bathroom while baby boy #1 was napping and medic hubby was working.  I was in for the shock of my life when I saw that positive.  How could this be!  Four plus years later and here I am pregnant unexpectedly.  I had really just come to accepting the fact that I would never conceive and go through the experience of pregnancy.  And now I am pregnant!  I did the calculations this put me due close to Christmas with the babies only being 20 months apart.  I WILL have TWO in diapers, but I couldn't have been happier.

Poor medic hubby, he had no clue.  I didn't even tell him about the pregnancy test till after the fact. He found out about the news just like all our other ground-breaking news in his car, driving!  That's what happens when you work 2 hours from home, the news couldn't wait.  I tried, but as soon as I said we need to talk when you get home, he got it out of me!

This began our crazy ride through pregnancy.  It was exciting and challenging.  I have to say, I way over-romanticized being pregnant.  It was not the most favorite 9-months of my life.  I was given the due date of Christmas day!  Baby boy #2 decided to come early and come fast.

It was the Sunday before Christmas and it was our Christmas Candlelight Service at church.  Medic hubby was supposed to be singing "O, Holy Night", like he does every year.  Thankfully, this year he was doing a duet.  He was literally headed out the door to practice and my water broke.  Although, I wasn't sure and I told him to go ahead.  Soon contractions started and they came hard.  He came home and we got to the hospital and I was already 8cm dilated.  My water broke at 5pm and that baby boy was born at 10pm. 

Just yesterday, I watched this baby boy now 13 months old.  He realized that running down a slight hill gave him momentum and made him go faster.  He shrieked with delight as he teetered almost out of control down that small decline.  He is a dare-devil and a little tornado.  But, I love every square inch of that tiny busy-body.  And my love for him is not because he is the labor of my body but because God gave him to me to love and cherish.  

This has made me realize that unexpected surprises are the best gifts to receive with arms opened wide!  Is this what I had planned, certainly not.  But my arms and heart are full with two baby boys snuggled in them and I couldn't be a happier momma.

Little laugh:  My 13 month old running around the house dragging shoes and coats saying "Iwannagobyebye".  Yes, this is what he says constantly!

Positive proverb: "Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still" Proverbs 9:9a

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