Monday, March 26, 2012

Choices, choices, choices

I am a fairly good decision maker.  I normally do not agonize over the color of a shirt or which sandals to buy when shopping.  I tend to make a fairly quick decision, feel good about it and stick with it.  Now that I have two little boys, decisions are made even faster.  I remember needing a new bathing suit before our vacation last spring.  I had my 3 month old, 2 year old and husband all at the mall and I needed a swimsuit. This is one thing I think every woman hates shopping for and I am no different.  A normal shopping trip for a swimsuit usually takes me many stores and often several weeks.  But I was under extreme circumstances here.  I picked out about 4 swimsuits to try on and actually found one I liked,  I think it took about 30 minutes total, this was a record for me!  Little boys and husbands sure do speed up the process when shopping.

There are some people on the other hand that seem to carefully weigh all of the pros and cons of every minute decision.  This would be my sister.  Ever since she was little I can remember waiting for what seemed like forever for her to make decisions.  She would go back and forth over what color jelly shoes or leg warmers to buy (yes, we are 80's babies).  Even deciding what kind of ice-cream to get was a monumental decision!  Sorry, sis but you know it's true.  She has gotten better as she's grown older and I think when she has children some day she will become an even faster decision maker out of necessity.

I am not saying either is right or wrong.  There are plusses in making quick decisions and plusses in taking your time in making decisions.  Medic hubby and I have had a lot of decisions and choices to make over the last few weeks.  We have stayed up late nights talking through pros and cons and reassuring each other that we are making the decision that is in the best interest of our family.  There definitely is a time and place for taking your time in making a big decision.  

This morning when I was taking a shower I had a revelation.  This seems to be the place where I often have profound thoughts (probably because it is the only time I get to myself)!  I have been very stressed and cranky lately because of everything we have had going on and the strain of an over loaded schedule.  I wondered what happened to the happy, positive and thankful person I had been the last few months.  And then it dawned on me this is a decision, a choice I have to make everyday.  I need to choose to be positive, happy and thankful.  This was more of a duh moment than a profound moment, because I know this!  But it is amazing the difference a positive attitude can have on your life.

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