Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Moments of the Heart

Have you ever had a moment in time that was so beautiful you wanted to capture it in your heart?  I've had several moments like this.  In fact, I had one just yesterday.  It was something my mind's eye captured and it will remain in this momma's heart.  It was so simple yet so beautiful.

My youngest son had just woken up from his nap.  He was standing in our living room with one tear-drop still in the corner of his eye and his hair mussed from sleeping (the little bit he has).  He was looking a little dazed trying to wake up.  My older son out of the blue came up behind him wrapped his small arms around his little brother's neck hugged him and gave him a kiss on the back of the head.  This immediately brought a smile from sleepy little brother who turned to look admiringly at his big brother.  As he turned I saw the wet mark from that big slobbery kiss (big brother is a drooling machine).  It was a sweet, simple moment that stole my breath away.

For these two little boys are not brothers by blood, but they are brothers in every sense of the word.  They look nothing alike.  Big brother is almost 3 and has beautiful light brown skin with black hair and dark brown eyes and is on the small side.  Little brother is 15 months old has fare skin, light hair and light brown eyes and is not on the small side, haha.  I think in a few years they will be in the same size clothing.  As I'm sure any mother of adopted children or blended families understands, I have worried about these things.  I worry what other people will say to or in front of my sons.  People don't mean to, but they can say really ignorant, hurtful things.  I worry about what kids will say to them someday when they get older.  But worry has no positive outcome.  I've decided the best thing I can do for them is help them to understand that they ARE REAL brothers no matter what anyone says.  Being birthed of the same mother does not make these two brothers.  But playing, fighting, laughing, loving and living life together and having a mommy and daddy who love them unconditionally, does make them brothers!  They are brothers and I dare anyone to ever tell them differently, for they will face this momma bear. 

So that is why this quiet moment of gentle love was captured in my heart and will remain there.  It is proof to me that family is what me make it, it is who we love, who we open our hearts to.  Family is who we unconditionally promise forever to.  That is why when children are adopted people often say "they are now with their forever family".  To me it is a beautiful picture.  A beautiful picture of what it is like to be adopted in to God's forever family.  I can picture Jesus some day wrap his arms around me in love and place a kiss on the top of my head and say welcome to your forever family.  

"How great is the Love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!  And that is what we are!  The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him" 1John 3:1

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tanya,
    I am Julie Lehman's sister, Amy. She shared your blog with me and i just wanted to say that it has been a real encouragement to read! It is obvious that you love the Lord and that you are living and raising your boys for His glory!
    Thanks for sharing your stories!
    Amy Hamm
