Sunday, January 29, 2012

Calendars & Schedules

Some days I hate the constraints of calendars and schedules!  The truth is I am a planner, organizer and like to be on time.  Of course I married the procrastinator, fly by the seat of his pants and Mr. always late.  This has been a challenge to say the least in our marriage.  Medic hubby has two speeds either full-speed ahead or turtle speed.  Full-speed ahead is reserved for driving, skiing, biking and anything an adrenaline junkie would do.  The rest of life pretty much happens at turtle speed.  This is a frustration to someone like me who likes to be efficient about life!  I am always the one waiting on him when we are ready to leave.

I think that having children has finally started to bring us to a happy medium.  I have relaxed a lot when it comes to planning, organizing and being efficient.  Because, let's be honest you just can't do those things on most days with two toddlers.  Most days I look around and Tupperware and dish towels are strewn across my kitchen floor, cheerios and crumbs cover the living room floor and not a single toy is actually in the toy box or basket where it belongs.  An efficient, organized day now looks like getting three meals in my kids, the dishes washed, diapers changed and a little play time with them.

On the flip side, medic hubby has learned that a little planning and organization is necessary with two toddlers.  You can't just leave the house on a whim without diapers, wipes, snacks and proper timing.  He has learned that the interruption of regular meal time and naps can lead to tired cranky kids and parents! 

All this to say I do sometimes hate the restraints of looming calendars.  The fact that I have a packed full week or month can lead to some stress and anxiety.  And the idea of having to rush kids, ugh is painful.  You cannot do it, the more you try to hurry them the slower they move.  The concept of time is far removed from toddlers.  For toddlers it is more about experiences.  Time tables are a bit skewed and the most important thing is what they are doing at the moment and that is not to be rushed.

I think this is something I probably should emulate more often.  Focus more on the moment and not rush through something just to get to the next thing.  I need to learn to not let the clock dictate everything in my life.  I still think planning is important but I need to learn to focus on people and relationships and not the task as much.

Little laugh:  I switched my oldest son to fluoride toothpaste.  When he first used it he said "it's too spicy"! 

Positive proverb:  "A cheerful heart is good medicine" Proverbs 17:22a

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