Thursday, April 26, 2012

Coloring Clouds Blue

I was watching my three year-old son color.  He was carefully coloring the log (tree trunk) brown and then diligently trying to draw circles in the tree because he said they were bird nests. He then went on to color the carrot and bunny.  We then got in to quite a lengthy discussion on the bunny needing to go to the bathroom, which turned in to the question "where do bunnies poop".  And then because he gets stuck on one thing, we had to look for another picture with a tree in it to color.  We came across one that was already partially colored.  As he started to color it he looked at the cloud, which I had colored blue.  He said "no, no mommy clouds are not blue they are white!"  I looked at it and laughed.  I told him he was indeed correct, clouds are white, sometimes grey or sometimes black but never blue.  He was quite appalled at my error and hurriedly looked through his crayon box for a white crayon.  We could not find any white crayons and he said "we will have to go to the store and buy one!"

Was my mistake that hideous that it required an immediate trip to the store for a white crayon?  In his three year old mind it was.  Fortunately three year olds are often easily distracted and we soon moved on to something else.  Am I the only one who colors clouds blue?  For some reason when coloring I always automatically color clouds blue.  It is the silliest most ridiculous thing, have you ever seen a blue cloud?  I have seen the bluest skies, I have seen beautiful white fluffy clouds, I have seen grey dreary clouds, I have seen scary black stormy clouds and I have seen gorgeous sunsets making pink and orange clouds.  But is there such a thing as a bright blue cloud?

This really makes me think.  What is it in my brain that accepts the idea of blue clouds when coloring.  Is it something ingrained from when I was a child.  Something I don't even question but just do.  Are there other things in my life that I don't know why I do them but I just do them anyway.

Okay so I did a little research and I googled blue clouds (I think nowadays googling counts as research, kind of sad).  There are a lot of businesses named blue cloud.  As it turns out there is such a thing as a blue cloud.  When light reflects in certain ways it can make a blue cloud or in certain types of storms clouds can appear blue. Interesting Cloud info website  There is also some strange blue cloud hovering over the earth that can be seen from space according to a 2003 NASA report!

Sigh of relief, so my theory of coloring clouds blue wasn't completely inaccurate.  There is such a thing as a blue cloud.  I can now report this newfound knowledge back to my three year old and tell him mommy isn't completely crazy.  Although I will pause the next time when coloring a cloud, because I think a white cloud is much more realistic, it is the sky we shall color blue!  All of this from my son who colored his bunny green and the carrot blue!

But this has proved to me that it is good and healthy to be questioned in what we do and what we believe.  Because it is imperative that sometimes we dig a little deeper and ask ourselves why do we do this?  Why do we believe what we do?  We are not to follow and do things blindly but we are to live with conviction that what we are doing is good and right and true!

Picture from my very own photos and this does appear to be a blue cloud!  I have seen one!

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