Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Insignificant Days

Today was just a normal, average, everyday kind of day.  Nothing big or significant happened.  It was just an insignificant day, a short little bleep on the timeline of my life.  It was a simple day of feeding, playing and caring for my family.  Yet I marvel in the normalcy of the day.  The sticky little fingers that licked the syrup off the waffles and asked for more.  The squeals of laughter as they ran playing and chasing each other.  The simple fun had playing with a ball.  The sweet lengthy prayer of my 3 year old with eyes squeezed tight shut and hands folded.  Watching two little boys color while I made grilled cheese.  Reading books with little ones snuggled close.  Tickling and giggling as I was told to "Chase me and tickle me".  Playing drums made out of plastic containers and two sticks.  And to end the day two sweet babies tucked under my arms as we snuggled and watched their favorite movie.

It is not a day I will remember because anything big or major happened.  I conquered no big feats, world hunger and the orphan crisis remain.  Two issues that I have lost sleep over recently.  It felt like a very insignificant day.  But then I wonder, is their such a thing as an insignificant day?  Are these insignificant days really the significant ones?  Will my sons remember big moments in life or will they remember the small things that happened in the every days?  Do these days of normalcy prepare us for the big moments?

Today, I realized that these normal days are a gift.  A gift to remind me that as small and insignificant as I am in this world; I can make a difference in my little world.  I can live these days with all the thankfulness and enthusiasm that they deserve!  It does not mean that I should not focus on the world at large.  I push myself to not get too comfortable sitting on my sofa living in a land of plenty.  I want to cry tears for the starving, sick, orphaned and unloved.  I need to be uncomfortable with all I have in the scope of the big picture.  But, some days I need to be reminded that my small insignificant days really do have meaning and the little bit I am doing to make the world a better place is significant!  Thank you God for that reminder.  Thank you for allowing me to be your humble servant.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the Lord. 'As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."  Isaiah 55:8-9  

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