Thursday, April 19, 2012

Don't Cry Over Spilt Milk

I never fully understood the phrase "Don't Cry Over Spilt Milk".  That is until my 3 year-old son spilled his entire cup of milk and it ran dripping down the wall onto the floor of my just recently scrubbed kitchen.  The fact that I had just thoroughly cleaned and that a gallon of milk costs more than a gallon of gas, on a worse day that would have been enough to make me cry.  But thankfully it was not a worse day and I quietly wiped it up while reminding my son that he needs to be careful.  

The act of not crying over anything spilled seems to be a daily occurrence in our house.  With two toddlers it seems like there are always cheerio and goldfish crumbs just about anywhere.  My husband does not understand how this is possible, I don't understand how it would NOT be possible.  That is unless he decided to hire me a full-time maid!  He commented the other night that he did not have to get a snack because their appeared to be almost an entire granola bar smashed in the throw blanket, yikes.  Ok, so it had gotten a little bad, but cut me some slack I was sick the past two weeks and we were in survival mode.  The living room did get a scrupulous cleaning yesterday and I even washed that throw blanket.

I am so thankful for my mom who NEVER makes me feel guilty about things.  I am thankful she has a laid back mothering style and that she always makes me feel good and reminds me that things are only a passing phase.  When I worry over sleep or eating habits she simply says they will grow out of them.  It made me laugh because at one of my doctor's visits, I told the doctor some advice my mom gave me.  The doctor said "Often mom's don't give the best advice, but I would agree with your mother"!  Go mom, she is doctor approved.  I read in a book one time how there is no one quite like your mother that you can trust with your kids.  They said she is the one person you can count on to grab the baby and their baby book and push you out of the way to get out of the house if it were on fire, haha.

I am also thankful for my dad who tells me I am a good mother.  And I know he has seen me on some of my worst days.  Because let's face it that is where I have ended up with the kids on some days when I was at the end of my patience.  I think there is a special reward God gives to dad's who have all daughters and never complained about it and that is grandsons!  Seeing my dad with my little boys is so fun, he has been enjoying every minute of it.  This is something I will write more about another time.

But, back to the spilt milk, so I googled the phrase.  The Wiktionary told me that this proverb means "It is no use worrying about unfortunate events which have already happened and cannot be changed."  Hmm...this is a very good proverb for me.  Look forward and never back, a lot of things are out of our control and there is really no point worrying over the past.  A person with a positive attitude cleans up the damage and moves on and learns from past mistakes.  No pity parties allowed.  So don't cry over whatever the spilt milk is in your life but move on, always persevering and pressing forward!

"You have persevered and endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary"  Revelation 2:3    

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