Sunday, April 15, 2012

The miracle of life

I have not typed a blog post in quite awhile.  Life has been busy, we are amid a job change for my husband; and me and the little boys have been battling colds.  But when I do not write I find I miss it and I need the outlet to process all that is happening amidst me.  This brings me to my thoughts for today.

The very beginning and conception of life is such a miracle.  A miracle that my husband and I do not take for granted.  A miracle that I feel blessed to really and truly appreciate.  On my toughest days when I feel at the end of the rope with my two precious boys; a miracle I force myself to reflect on.  The fact that I did not conceive quickly (quite an understatement, it took almost 5 years) and the fact that we were blessed through adoption with our first beautiful son has made me into the person I am.  And I am thankful for that.  Yes, I am thankful that I cried bucketfuls of tears longing to be a mother.  Thankful that I felt the ache of empty arms and an empty womb.  Why am I thankful of the pain I endured?  

Because, all of this has made me acutely aware of others pain and suffering and in awe and wonder of the gift of life.  In my small world of family and friends their are 7 babies coming within the next five months!      And within the last several months I have prayed for friends grieving the loss of a baby through miscarriage, I have cried tears with a friend longing to conceive, I have encouraged and supported a young unwed mother, I have rejoiced with a friend who is finally expecting, I have rejoiced for a couple who was finally placed with a baby through adoption, and I am now praying for a baby born too soon.

All of this makes me realize just how vulnerable life is and how fragile the promise of life is.  We all know that none of us are promised tomorrow.  But sometimes we forget the struggle life can have from the very beginning.  It comes in many different ways; infertility, miscarriage, unplanned, unexpected, unwanted, difficult pregnancy, difficult birth, sickness at birth, disabilities and handicaps.

Life is indeed fragile, pray for those in your life who are in these stages of their lives.  Love them and support them.  Intercede when given the chance for those unborn babes!  I know there were many who loved and supported me when I was in this difficult phase in my life.  I will be eternally grateful for all who interceded on behalf of my oldest son.  Grateful to his biological mother for carrying and giving birth to him, grateful for the ladies at the women's shelter who supported and loved his biological mother, grateful to the one's who loved and cared for him when he was born and very sick, grateful to the loving hands at the orphanage who cared for him until we were able to come bring him home!  I am also eternally grateful for those who did not give up praying that we would conceive!  THANK YOU to all who prayed, cried and rejoiced with us upon the gift of life of both of our sons! 

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."  Psalm 139:13-14

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