Thursday, January 12, 2012

Boys, Bathrooms & Birthdays

As many of you know I live with 3 boys; my husband and my two young sons.  This is quite a new experience for me.  I grew up in a house with 4 girls; where my dad was the outnumbered one.  Now that I find myself in the minority, it is a whole new world; especially in the bathroom.  Yuck!

My oldest son is fairly successfully potty-trained, accidents are now very few.  This in itself was quite the feat for me.  I mean potty-training one while the other toddles in behind you with his little hands touching everything.  Not to mention our bathroom is about 4 feet by 2 feet in size.  Now that he sits on the "big potty" to go, it is a little easier.  Anyone who has potty-trained a little boy understands the statement "make sure it is pointing down"!  You have to position little boys just right to make sure it actually makes it in to the toilet.  Just a few days ago, I sat him on and turned around to do something look back over and pee is shooting straight forward never even hitting the toilet!  Ugh, all this makes for a yucky bathroom.  I fear this is just the beginning with still having to teach standing and aiming and another to potty-train!

This is why I am so thankful for my husband!  I am going to refer to him in my blog as medic hubby.  I am reading a book where the author refers to her husband as "farmer husband" because they live on a farm.  I like it, so I have decided to call my husband medic hubby.  Although his profession does not solely define him; he has many talents, gifts and hobbies.  I could describe him as guitar playing, music singing, mountain biking, down-hill skiing, travel loving, Subaru driving, adrenaline seeking hubby (but that gets kind of long). 

So medic hubby kindly cleaned the bathroom for me this week.  I love him for this simple act of kindness.  Cleaning the bathroom is my most dreaded and put off task of the house.  Wow, those small things can be such a big blessing! 

Change of topics, yesterday was my birthday.  I had a wonderful birthday....I think the best in years.  We had no special plans for the day,  I wasn't sure if I would even have a cake.  But I was fine with that, I would have been fine with just happy birthday wishes from loved ones.  However, it turned out to be a birthday full of many small blessings and surprises!

It started off with sleeping in till 7:45, that never happens!  My husband arrived home having just worked 24 hours with a birthday cake & card in hand.  The cake even had my name on it and the card was beautiful with beautiful words and covered in glitter.  For you who know medic hubby this was a pure act of love to purchase a card with glitter on it.  Medic hubby hates glitter and usually won't touch it with a ten-foot pole.  I mean to read a glitter covered card in the store, purchase it  and write in it...this did not go unnoticed by me!  I then received a text from a friend offering to watch the boys so we could go out for lunch.  What a generous and kind birthday gift.  I showered and dressed wearing the special necklace another dear friend had given me the day before.  And then I had a peaceful lunch with medic hubby!  Later, we had a simple dinner of soup and then I got serenaded by medic hubby and two-year old, while one-year old eagerly reached squealing for the cake.  Then to top off my day I received a phone call from a dear friend in Peru, wishing me a happy birthday!

My birthday was not glamorous in any way, just simple and filled with small acts of kindness by friends and family.  The small blessings are what made it so wonderful!  I think I am finally learning to open my eyes and notice all the small details and blessings that life has to offer us.  I mean even the fact that I handed one-year old to medic hubby with a poopy diaper and he changed it without any complaints, made me happy.  Ahhh, the small blessings!

Little laugh:  I ran down in to the basement to put a load of laundry from the washing machine to the dryer.  I was gone 60 seconds max.  I come back up to find oldest son with the entire roll of toilet paper unwound streaming behind him and youngest son sitting on the bathroom floor pulling the tissues out of the box like he was a contestant on minute to win it! 

Positive proverb:  "A kindhearted woman gains respect" Proverbs 11:16a

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to stop by and say that I love reading your blog! I know we only met once but I still feel a connection to you guys through Daniel. Love to hear the stories!
    And you write beautifully!
