Monday, January 9, 2012

Times of Transition

This past summer we moved from our 6 year old townhouse to a 150 year old stone home.  The process of putting our townhouse up for sale, showing it, negotiating, packing, finding a new home and moving is a lot for anyone.  Well then throw in a 3 month old baby, a two year old, a community yard sale, a vacation as it was going on the market and a vacation right before we moved.  That's how things tend to happen for our family full speed ahead with no looking back.

It all started with us deciding to sell our home and my brainy idea of having it ready to show and go on the market as we were headed on vacation for a week.  In theory this made sense, the house would not be lived in for a week and the realtor could schedule as many showings as possible.  Well in reality anyone who has gotten a baby and a toddler ready for an 18-hour road trip and a week long vacation, knows this was pure insanity. We survived and our house did have several showings that first week along with quite a few the following weeks. 

The other challenge was trying to keep a house ready to show at a moment's notice.  One particular instance that sticks out is the day I was getting things ready for our community yard sale.  I was feeling motivated and decided to bake a double batch of whoopie pies to also sell at the yard sale.  Halfway through the baking my oldest son came down with a fever and as I was rocking him he got sick and vomited.  I remember I was in the midst of cleaning up throw up, both boys were crying, the kitchen was a disaster and the phone rang and someone wanted to schedule a showing for later that day.  What else could I do but say yes. 

Then came the offer, the negotiations and settlement in 45 days. This was not much time to find a house.  We had talked this scenario over and decided if someone wanted a quick settlement we would rent for awhile.  Settlement date set, a rental property found we decided to go with the rest of my husband's family across the country to visit family.  This time we decided to fly, now I was trying to finish up house packing and packing suitcases for flying with a 6 month old and a 2 1/2 year old. We got back from vacation around 1a.m. on a Friday and starting moving later that day.

It's funny how life can take us through roller coaster rides of crazy times and then things can settle down into a relative new normal.  My favorite thing about our new home (though temporary it may be) is our giant back yard and beautiful view of farm fields.  I had never lived in a flat farm area before but I have learned to enjoy the mornings that I am up early and can sip a cup of coffee and watch the sun rise from my kitchen window.  I also love the fact that my boys now have a yard to run and play in.  We play outside as much as the weather allows and they love watching the tractors, farmers, cows, sheep and chickens that surround us.  It's the small things in life that can bring us much contentment and joy.

The fact that we are in transition has not been a hindrance to us.  Some people go crazy with worry of the unknown.  But not us, my husband and I both feel a sense of peace and that this is where we are meant to be whether it is a year or many years.  Time goes on and we enjoy each day we are given in our "new" house.

Little laugh:  We were recently waiting at the grocery store pharmacy as my son belted out the theme song for veggie tales in the confidence and self-assurance only a toddler can have.  I was slightly embarrassed until I noticed all of the smiles he was getting, even the pharmacist looked up from putting pills in bottles and gave a smile!
Positive proverb:  "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9

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