Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sanctity of Life

Today is "Sanctity of Life" Sunday.  I strongly believe in the sanctity of all human life.  This has compelled me to share a bit about our adoption journey and the adoption of our precious oldest son.  I believe that adoption is at the heart of sanctity of life.  If we are telling others to value life and give life then we need to offer loving homes to those who are not in circumstances to provide them.  I do not judge anyone for the decisions they have made, for I do not know what I would do in a similar situation if I had no hope.

As I shared in an earlier post, medic hubby and I struggled with infertility for years.  In fact we were passing year 3 when a friend told me she had an acquaintance who had adopted and would love to share her story with me.  I met with her several months later.  She dissolved me to tears in minutes as she shared the miracle of adoption that their family went through.  They had one biological daughter and then an adopted son.  What struck me the most and went straight to my heart was this statement, she said "I know without any doubt that God created our adopted son specifically for us, just as he created our biological daughter specifically for us."  She went on to describe their adoption process and gave me the information to the orphanage in Taiwan that they adopted from.

We waited several more months as we prayed and thought about this.  Finally in February, we decided we were ready to move forward and contacted the orphanage.  After that things moved forward at lightning speed.  From the day we first called the orphanage to the day we brought our son home was exactly 7 months!  If I tried to tell the entire story it would take page after page.  It was one small miracle after another in processing the paperwork, traveling to Taiwan, finishing the adoption and then bringing him home.

We are eternally grateful and thankful to our son's biological mother for choosing life.  I do not hold any harsh feelings toward her.  For she showed him great love by releasing him when she knew she could not properly provide for him. 

Even though, he was not the labor of my body, he was the labor of my heart.  And any adoptive parent can understand the fact that there is no difference between a biological and an adopted child, any child that you raise and love is your child.  The color of skin, texture of hair, slant of the eyes does not matter.  It matters not one iota to me that my son does not look like me or carry any of my genes.  What does matter is that he loves me and I love him unconditionally!

We talk often to him about being adopted and that he was born in Taiwan.  A few weeks ago he melted my heart by looking at me and saying "you are my mommy!"  I AM his mommy in every sense of the word.  I am the one who gives hugs and kisses, who wipes away the tears, who plays and tickles, who puts him to bed and gets him up everyday. 

Little laugh: My son started to randomly say "whoa, that was close" while I am driving!  Come on, I'm not that bad of a driver.  My mom later informed me this is what the toy steering wheel at her house says, that made me feel a little better. 

Positive proverb:  "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you." Jeremiah 1:5a

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