Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The great search for Gordon's missing coal car

After several deep conversations today, I am in the mood for something lighter.  So I'm going to tell you about our search for Gordon's missing coal car.

If you have or have had little boys you have probably watched episodes of Thomas the tank engine.  And if your son took to Thomas you probably have watched about 3,000 episodes, know the theme song by memory and have many Thomas toy trains cluttering your house.  This is the case for my two sons (although I'm pretty sure my younger son had no choice in liking Thomas).

The love of Thomas started pretty early for our 2 1/2 year old son.  And he now has a train table and quite the collection of trains.  We took both our boys to see Thomas at a local train station that Thomas visits several times a year. You can actually ride in a car that Thomas pulls.  I have never been to a place with so many excited little boys.  Boys talking about buffing and biffing and shunting and coupling!

My oldest son's current favorite is Gordon and his coal car.  Gordon is the strongest and fastest engine on the island of Sodor.  (By the way medic hubby & I want to move to Sodor.  Other than the constant crashing of trains, it looks blissful.)   One morning we realized Gordon's coal car was missing, this is a big problem.  How can an engine go anywhere without his coal car.  The even bigger problem was I remembered seeing my one year-old son playing with it.  This means it could be anywhere imaginable.  I mean I have found a shoe in with my dish towels, his lovey hidden in the coat closet, toys in kitchen drawers and pacifiers in millions of random places.  I think he must have a secret hiding spot for his pacifiers because one day he kept coming out with new ones after I had searched the house over trying to track them down.  In fact we often joke about having a black hole in our house, because things seem to disappear and never resurface.

So I got out the flashlight and we started our search under the sofa and then under the sofa cushions.  Well, we found two different colored socks, a magazine, one of medic hubby's work t-shirts, dozens of random toys and enough cheerios and crumbs for an afternoon snack.  Hmmm, this lead to my vacuuming under all the cushions a week later.  But, still no coal car.  We searched the playroom for the second time and then went on to the kitchen.  Sure enough all the way in the bottom of my Tupperware drawer was Gordon's missing coal car. The lost was returned to a happy little boy.  Now his strongest, fastest engine could do what ever his little heart could imagine. 

Oh yuck, when I finally did vacuum underneath those cushions.  I know it's no big deal, I mean who looks under your sofa cushions.  But I knew what was there and I needed to do something about it.  This makes me think, are there areas of my life like this?  Areas that get ignored or only dealt with when necessary.  Are there things or people in my life that I need to treat like my kitchen table that gets wiped and cleaned everyday instead of like the deep dark crevices of my sofa that never see the light of day?  Just something to ponder.  

Little laugh:  My son loves looking at the moon.  And as we were looking at the small crescent of the moon tonight.  I told him it looked like the clipping of a toe nail.  To which he responded with hysterical laughter.  It is great when your kids make you feel like the best comedian in the world!

Positive proverb:  "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Psalm 19:1

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