Saturday, January 14, 2012

Lessons from a 1 year-old

It seems like just yesterday we were bringing this squirmy red-faced baby home from the hospital.  It is truly an amazing experience to see a baby grow and develop the first year of their life.  To go from basically just, sleeping, eating, crying and pooping to running, climbing, playing and starting to say incredible!

I must admit much of the first few months I spent sleep-deprived and a lot of days felt like I was in survival mode.  A newborn is challenging and then a 20-month old toddler too....this isn't what I signed up for.  It was also the middle of the snowiest winter we had had in a long time and medic hubby was gone 12-hour days, 5 days a week.  But we survived and in retro-spec I really can't remember it being that bad.  Less than a month ago we celebrated that newborn baby boy's 1st birthday. 

A few days ago I watched this now one year old playing in the bathtub.  He was splashing with reckless abandonment.  He was having the time of his life squealing with delight.  That was until it splashed right in his face, he paused to swipe his hand across his face and then went right back to splashing with everything he had.  I watched this happen not once but numerous times.  He did not let the water in the face ruin his fun of splashing, he kept on.

I couldn't help but think a little deeper on this.  How often have I dove in to something whole-hearted but as soon as a small obstacle arose or someone gave a discouraging word, I gave up.  Life is full of obstacles and pessimistic people.  I need to press on and fight a good fight.  I need not let a little water in the face ruin my dreams and my goals.  The revelations that come from such wee ones can be quite astounding. 

These wee ones are pure and unhindered in their thoughts and actions.  And the influence medic hubby and I have on their little lives is to be honest...scary.  The responsibility to love and teach them is one we do not take lightly.  But we take it one humble day at a time, for this is all we can do.

On a lighter note, a few nights ago I woke up at midnight to a crying 1 year old.  He has been working on his molars, so I went to him thinking I needed to just give him some tylenol and settle him down.  I discovered a sheet soaked with pee, which was very unusual.  I started to take him out of his drenched sleep sack and pajamas.  I couldn't feel a diaper on him in the dark...what, there is no way I forgot to put a diaper on him, I'm not that crazy.  His diaper (which was completely dry) was stuffed down into the one leg of his pajamas.  How in the world did that happen!?!

Little laugh:  When my sons were recently petting several very friendly sheep, one of the sheep put it's nose through the fence.  I look over to see my 1 year-old take a hold of the sheep by its nostrils.  Poor out for those toddlers!

Positive proverb:  "He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor."  Proverbs 21:21

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